Friday, September 26, 2008

Kiersten, you're up!

The new wool order will be here today, thank goodness! I've been spinning lots of wool/mohair blend for Wednesday's stocking while waiting for the straight wool to arrive, so there should be plenty of inventory coming up. I have some new colors for fall :) I hope to have some previews up tomorrow.

Today I will be starting on Kiersten's custom in the Elliot colorway, so it should be complete by stocking day. I plan on having another set of Ella yarn available this stocking as well, and hopefully another Elliot set.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Still spinning away!

I haven't been so great about updating this blog started back, so I'm working part time out of the home and still working furiously to dye and spin as much as possible. If my blog is behind it's because I'm working on your customs...I promise!

I'm really excited about a new fiber order that should be arriving at the end of next week. I'll have some super-fine merino available, as well as some other 100% wool roving. There are a couple of new things I'm working on, both for customs and for the next Growing Up Green stocking. Our Elephant Collab was a hit, so I can't wait for everyone to see what we're working on next!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I should be posting lovely new pictures, but I'm putting all of my work into stocking the store and finishing customs. There should be at least 4 new skeins of yarn for sale in the congo this Wednesday, and Lynne's custom will be listed in the etsy shop by then as well.

I am delighted that my new website (really just a launchpad) will be up and running soon! Michael of Bentley PC is designing it, and as soon as the logos are finished you'll be able to find it at

I added some new photos to the gallery, so hopefully those will hold you over for a while! I have a very exciting project that I'm working on in collaboration with some of the other girls in the congo, and I can't wait to share the pictures :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Nickie's custom order is on the drying rack and will be ready by Wednesday's stocking. So far the turquoise trim is finished, and I hope to have the brown ready in time to offer that as an option as well. I think it turned out beautiful!

Trudy's custom will be shipped to Nickie in the package with her custom.

Shoes are on hold indefinitely...I just don't have the time or the drive to make them right now :(

Lynne's custom order will be started this weekend, and will be complete by the next stocking.

Thanks so much for all of your business and patience! I am really enjoying being a part of the Growing Up Green congo, and I'm looking forward to working on winter and fall colorways :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The wool is here!

Finally! Five luscious, squishy pounds of wool roving arrived on my doorstep this afternoon.

This is some of the nicest fiber I've received in some time, so I'm looking forward to working with it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A couple of updates

The brown trim for Jamie's boardies is finished! It will be mailed out first thing in the morning to Allison...I can't wait to see the finished product :)

Still waiting on the wool order so I can finish the trim for Susie &'s supposed to be here by Friday, so if all goes according to plan it will be mailed out by Monday.

Angela's booties were mailed out today.

Here's a peek at the mailers I've been making out of wallpaper samples:

So far they are working great and I've gotten some wonderful feedback from them.

Here's a little preview of some yarn that I finished recently:

120 yards of worsted singles, and 180 yards of worsted 2-ply. I started this out as singles, but wasn't crazy about how it was turning out & spun the rest up in 2-ply. It's a total of 4.1 oz, and I'm thinking of making this my next FFS lottery, so be on the lookout for it at the next stocking on July 23rd.

Hopefully the wool will be here SOON, and I can post some more updates. Thanks so much for your business and patience.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

New blog!

Since the grand opening of Cherry Tart in the Growing Up Green congo, I've been very fortunate to have lots of custom orders! I decided to start a blog as a place for my customers to keep track of their order status, as well as to preview new inventory before stocking. I plan on updating the blog as often as possible. I'm excited about working on all of the new orders, and I hope everyone is enjoying their yarn as much as I enjoy spinning it!